The riding-style open hip posture relieves back pain, improves leg circulation, aids deeper breathing, and trains balance and strength. Saddle sitting also helps us reach and bend with less strain. Over the past three decades, tens of thousands of active workers worldwide, have made the switch from conventional seating to saddles.
The saddle seat revolution started in the early ’80’s in Finland and Australia, and quickly spread throughout Europe. In Finland today, 80% of dentists and 50% of office workers use saddles as their only work chair. In the United Kingdom and Australia, saddle seating has helped 1000’s of disabled children and adults lead more independent lives.
The average American sits for 12–16 hours a day.
North Americans have been slow to adopt the saddle-sitting concept. Dental, medical, and veterinary practitioners have been the most proactive, with thousands of saddle stools finding their way into clinics and hospitals every year. Nail, tattoo, and beauty salons are also discovering the joys of saddle sitting. Sadly, North American office and factory workers have been slow to adopt the concept, in large part because desks and equipment must be raised several inches in order to accommodate a high-straddle posture.
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